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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
oCbt::ConstMapVoid< R, T, max >ConstMapVoid - constant associative list matches a particular address another address of the specified data type
oCbt::depVector4fDepVector4f - четырехмерный вектор одинарной точности c плавающей точкой, архитектурно зависим
oCbt::globalMemManagerGlobalMemManager - общий менеджер памяти для локальной имгопоточной обработки данных
oCbt::HashVector< T >HashVector - continuous array data type T
oCbt::LinkArray< T >LinkArray - the interface of the segment to the memory of identical elements
oCbt::LinkArray< T >::iteratorThe object that abstracts a single interface access to the items in the collection
oCbt::MapName< T >MapName - associative list matches a specific string is the address of the specified data type
oCbt::MapName< T >::iteratorThe object that abstracts a single interface access to the items in the collection
oCbt::MapVoid< T >MapVoid - associative list matches a particular address another address of the specified data type
oCbt::MapVoid< T >::iteratorThe object that abstracts a single interface access to the items in the collection
oCbt::MapVoidIntMapVoidInt - associative list matches a particular address another address of the specified data type
oCbt::MapVoidInt::iteratorThe object that abstracts a single interface access to the items in the collection
oCbt::matrix4dMatrix4d - The matrix in the format of floating point numbers double precision
oCbt::matrix4fMatrix4f - The matrix in the format of floating point single precision
oCbt::memManagerMemManager - управляет выделением и освобождением памяти определенного класса объектов объемом size
oCbt::ParametersListParametersList - a named parameter list
oCbt::quaterniondQuaterniond - the rotation around the vector
oCbt::quaternionfQuaternionf - the rotation around the vector
oCbt::ShortStringShortString - a short string that can contain no more than 255 8bits characters
oCbt::ShortStringListShortStringList - array of short string
oCbt::SortVoidVector< T >SortVoidVector - continuous sorted array of pointers of type T
oCbt::SortVoidVector< T >::iteratorThe object that abstracts a single interface access to the items in the collection
oCbt::StringString - a long string that can contain 4 milliard 8bits characters
oCbt::VariantVariant - variational data type enables you to store, transmit and convert different types
oCbt::Vector< T >Vector - continuous array data type T
oCbt::vector2bVector2b - двухмерный целочисленный беззнаковый вектор байт
oCbt::vector2dVector2d - двухмерный вектор двойной точности
oCbt::vector2fVector2f - two-dimensional single precision vector
oCbt::vector2iVector2i - two-dimensional integer vector
oCbt::vector3dVector3d - three-dimensional vector with double precision
oCbt::vector3fVector3f - three-dimensional vector with single precision
oCbt::vector3iVector3i - three-dimensional integer vector
oCbt::vector4bVector4b - четырехмерный целочисленный беззнаковый вектор байт
oCbt::vector4dVector4d - four-dimensional double precision vector
oCbt::vector4fVector4f - four-dimensional single precision vector
oCbt::vector4iVector4i - four-dimensional integer vector
oCbt::Vector< T >::iteratorThe object that abstracts a single interface access to the items in the collection
oCbt::VoidVector< T >VoidVector - continuous array of pointers of type T
oCbt::VoidVector< T >::iteratorThe object that abstracts a single interface access to the items in the collection
oCcsad::BaseMeshBaseMesh - abstract class geometry
oCcsad::BaseObjectBaseObject - the main interface objects
oCcsad::ClassManagerClassManager - the Manager interface classes
oCcsad::ConfigConfig - набор статических методов для формирования архитектуры приложения
oCcsad::FileFile - A file object
oCcsad::Format3DSFormat3DS - файл экспортируемого формата 3D Studio Max
oCcsad::FormatJPGFormatJPG - файл двухмерного изображения
oCcsad::FormatPAKFormatPAK - файл контейнер
oCcsad::FormatTGAFormatTGA - файл двухмерного изображения
oCcsad::FormatXMLFormatXML - the format of the xml data file
oCcsad::InterfaceDataSystemInterfaceDataSystem - system data manager
oCcsad::KeyboardKeyboard - the object input system, platform dependent
oCcsad::LibraryLibrary - dynamic linking of libraries
oCcsad::MouseMouse - the object input system, platform dependent
oCcsad::NetConnectionNetConnection - network connection
oCcsad::NodeXMLNodeXML - элемент данных xml файла
oCcsad::RenderRender - the basic methods of drawing
oCcsad::SGButtonStyleSGButtonStyle - component containing the settings button States
oCcsad::SGElementStyleSGElementStyle - component containing the parameters of the item's state
oCcsad::SGLineEditStyleSGLineEditStyle - component containing the parameters of the line edit state
oCcsad::SystemSystem -
oCcsad::ThreadThread - class to create and flow control
oCcsad::TimerTimer - timer
oCcsad::ViewPortViewPort - rectangular area of the screen where the image is built
oCgen::GeometryPath< T >GeometryPath - Список групп
oCgen::ModellerMeshModellerMesh - методы моделирования трехмерной полигональной модели
oCgen::ModellerRasterModellerRaster - методы моделирования изображения
oCbt::HashVector< csad::SGButton * >
oCbt::MapName< void >
oCbt::MapVoid< BaseObject >
oCbt::MapVoid< void >
oCRasterRaster - двухмерная цветовая матрица
oCsFunctionsAPICPUSFunctionsAPICPU -
oCsFunctionsArrayCPUSFunctionsArrayCPU - функции обработки массивов
oCsFunctionsArrayVectorCPUSFunctionsArrayVectorCPU - mathematical functions for handling arrays of numbers
oCsFunctionsCoreSFunctionsCore -
oCsFunctionsDisplayRenderSFunctionsDisplayRender -
oCsFunctionsExtensionCPUSFunctionsExtensionCPU - дополнительные функции
oCsFunctionsGenSFunctionsGen -
oCsFunctionsGLContextSFunctionsGLContext - function OpenGL interface standard for SOFT/GL/GLES imaging
oCsFunctionsMathCPUSFunctionsMathCPU - numerical mathematical functions
oCsFunctionsObjectCPUSFunctionsObjectCPU - operators
oCsFunctionsPlatformSFunctionsPlatform -
oCsFunctionsRenderCPUSFunctionsRenderCPU - функции графических алгоритмов
oCsFunctionsVectorCPUSFunctionsVectorCPU - vector mathematical functions
oCbt::SortVoidVector< csad::Transform >
oCbt::SortVoidVector< Transform >
oCbt::Vector< bt::vector3f >
oCbt::Vector< int >
oCbt::Vector< unsigned _int32 >
oCbt::VoidVector< csad::Texture2D >
oCbt::VoidVector< Light >
oCbt::VoidVector< NodeXML >
\Cbt::VoidVector< void >